Katie’s Newsletter
The Katie Halper Show
Saved by The Bell & crucified by the Saudis with Travis Irvine

Saved by The Bell & crucified by the Saudis with Travis Irvine

Bonus: #BelieveWhichWomen, Keith Ellison, Alex Jones https://www.patreon.com/posts/keith-ellison-20882230 Gabe and I talk about what we learned about the service industry from "Saved by the Bell" and what we learned about Salvadoran death squads from "21 Jump Street." Then we talk to comedian and journalist Travis Irvine who's seeking the Libertarian Party's nomination to run for Governor of Ohio about his campaign; about the pope's decision to condemn the death penalty (which is good) and the fact that he had to change the catechism on this (which is weird. given the whole Jesus story); speaking of which, we also talk about a recent crucifixion in Saudi Arabia; plus slave labor in California.