Sitemap - 2015 - Katie’s Newsletter

Dar Williams on coming out, depression and Pete Seeger

Gabe Arana, Scott Lemieux on ex-gay conversion therapy & GOP debate war crimes

DemocracyNow's Sam Alcoff, The Anthropologist's Jeremy Newberger, Dirty Fox News & Jewish Trump

Eric Garner's mother on her son's life and death, Irin Carmon Planned Parenthood shooting

Molly Crabapple on drawing at Gitmo trials & why a photo will never defeat white supremacy

Johann Hari: everything we thought we know about addiction & Drug War is Wrong/ Billie Holiday

Country Music trio The Chalks visit the studio, Gabe fails a citizenship test, Reggie gets married

Ta-Nehisi Coates on what made him change his position on reparations

Judah Friedlander on gentrification, Bernie Sanders, his first drawing, and "Red Dawn"

13: I'm called the anti-Christ on Fox Radio, GOP Rep is caught lying about Planned Parenthood

NYC names day after woman who stood for justice. So why did the US execute her? ep 12 update

12: CEO Martin Shkreli's hidden tweets, Ethel Rosenberg bday, Strange Fruit & surprising bisexuals

Ep 12: Meeting Bernie Sanders & gay divorcing with Heather Gold, Versha Sharma & Sen Gustavo Rivera

Ep 11: Margaret Cho, Hospital patient shot by cops, solitary confinement restricted & cilantro

Ep 10: lesbian comic Julie Goldman on torturing Bill Cosby, director Yoruba Richen on The New Black

Ep 9 segment: Morton Downey Jr's ethnic slur that started Rush Limbaugh w/ Jeremy Newberger

Ep 8: Right Wing Erotica, Anchor Baby Robin Thicke, Mort Downey Jr. & Sarah Jaffee

Ep 7: Melissa Gira Grant on Sex Work, Becky Bond on Chuck Schumer & The War on Women Awards

ep 6: Republican theme songs, Collier Meyerson on Sandra Bland & Marga Gomez

Ep 5. The Donald Trump Butt Plug, Meredith Clark, Ali Gharib, Justin Williams

Ep 4: Nate Silver, Ted Alexandro, Desiree Burch, NYC's Slave Market

Ep 3: Jelani Cobb & Jimmy "The Rent is Too Damn High" McMillan

Ep 1: "Transracial Mishegas" Rebecca Carroll & Syreeta McFadden on Rachel Dolezal

Letty Cottin Pogrebin Interview on WBAI's The Morning Show

WBAI's Morning Show 4 - 30 - 15